Saturday, May 16, 2020

Homosexuality And Its Views On Homosexuality - 1447 Words

Homosexuality is one of the most controversial topics in the world today. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalyst had his theory on human sexuality and claims, â€Å" all human beings were innately bisexual, and that they become heterosexual or homosexual as a result of their experiences with parents and others.† Many people view it as a natural thing, but others think it is absolutely wrong and utterly a personal choice. The Bible, other religions, and the world all have different opinions on this subject. Homosexuality is a matter with many different viewpoints. Homosexuality has always been unacceptable since the advent of religion and there are many verses in the Bible that prove that God does not tolerate it. Many people assume Christians absolutely hate gays/lesbians, but that is not true because the Bible also says to love one another no matter what. When God created Adam and Eve, he made Adam a man and Eve a woman. He did not create man and man for a reason, and tha t reason is to conceive. God blessed Adam and Eve and said to them, â€Å"Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground† (New International Version, Gen 1:28.) Although this verse does not directly talk about homosexuality, it does address it in some way. This is one of the first instructions given by God and the only way to fulfill this is through reproduction with a male and aShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality And Its Views On Homosexuality1022 Words   |  5 PagesHomosexuality is relating to or characterized by a tendency of a direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex. By this homosexuality is referred to as members of the same sex being sexually attracted to one another. The topic of homosexuality in religion and society has many sides. There are those who believe that it is a sin in God’s eyes according to the Bible, and there are those who believe that God and the Bible are not specific to homosexuals. It is a tough debate based on whether youRead MoreHomosexuality And Its Views On Homosexuality2229 Words   |  9 Pagescommonplace for one to have an exceedingly strong opinion on homosexuality. There are many different views on how accepted homosexuality should be, with opinions varying from extremely accepting, to extremely non-accepting, with many lying somewhere in between. For those who argue that homosexuality is wrong, there are three main stances that are most commonly taken, a logical stance, a moral stance, and a religious stance. As views on homosexuality tend to be extremely strong, many who are opposed to theRead MoreThe Public View On Homosexuality937 Words   |  4 PagesHomosexuality has been in the media as being something negative because it strays from the norm and makes people feel uneasy, but the media is forever changing. The public view on homosexuality is changing for the better due to the Supreme Court’s Ruling on the legalization of same-same marriage. As a result from this, adolescents feel like there is now an environment that is ready and willing to accept the LGBT community as a whole and help individuals nourish the idea of self-acceptance. More andRead MoreThe Moral View Of Homosexuality1708 Words   |  7 Pagesargument of homosexuality being considered moral or immoral has been an argument for as long as humans have been in existence. This argument has been viewed by philological experts and people all over the world for centuries and it continues to be a major argument today. The moral view of homosexuality has many arguments, but the arguments that are going to be mentioned are the normative ethics argument, the argument on why the moral law is true when it comes to homosexuality, and why homosexuality shouldRead MoreA Reflection On The Views Of Homosexuality1798 Words   |  8 Pagescase that brought about the single person to wind up gay person and revamp it so he or she was not capable. To them this demonstrates that science was correct and that homosexuality is a condition that is brought by life conditions (The Journal of Pastoral Care). The Bible does not say the expression sin when discussing homosexuality. Notwithstanding, Christians appear to have got the thought that a man must change who they are through psychotherapy so hopefully they can be known as a man or lady andRead MoreGandhis View On Homosexuality2295 Words   |  10 Pageswe were just making casual conversations and having fun, then we some how got on to the topic of homosexuality and this was everyone’s opinion on it. Gandhi’s view on homosexuality is that he is accepting of it, but would not be about it himself. He said that Hindus are not very judgmental at all of homosexuality. He also stated if someone is trying to attain kama, which is pleasure, then homosexuality has actually been seen acceptable. He then went on to say that there was even one person withinRead MoreRoman Empire Views on Homosexuality1501 Words   |  7 Pagestoward Homosexuality A popular topic of discussion, when referring to historic Roman culture, is the topic of sexuality. Even more specific is the subject of Roman attitudes toward homosexuality. During the time period of 753 B.C. to 476 A.D. the Roman Empire was arguably one of the most powerful and advanced empires of its age. With such a powerful empire of citizens that were fixated on their pride and, for the males, masculinity, one must wonder what their thoughts on homosexuality were.Read MoreBiblical View On Homosexuality And Religion1271 Words   |  6 PagesBiblical view on Homosexuality In the bible God divinely established the institution of marriage, and this is seen in the garden of Eden during creation. Marriage was a special gift to man from a loving God before the fall that led to evil and pervasion entering the spiritual world of man. Marriage was designed by our creator to give satisfaction to a person’s deepest longings for intimacy, love, appreciation and care. The views of marriage between Christians and Jews are fundamentally differentRead MoreEssay The Catholic Church and Its Views on Homosexuality3784 Words   |  16 Pagesessay will include: the historical views of homosexuality including what Biblical texts state regarding this issue, as well as specific documentation from the Vatican pertaining to this subject. Furthermore, I will discuss former Pope John Paul II and current Pope Benedict XVI’s position on homosexuality, as well as homosexuality within the clergy of the Catholic Church. I will then examine specific literature criticiz ing the Church’s teachings on homosexuality, and finally gay and lesbian CatholicsRead MoreHomosexuality as a Deviance The view that homosexuality is deviant allows society to discriminate against certain people.1602 Words   |  7 PagesSince most people in the United States believe that homosexuality is wrong, society has created homosexuality to be a deviance. Since deviance is relative and not absolute to a society, homosexuality is not a universal form of sexual deviance. There are many cultures that accept forms of homosexuality. The Western society is not accepting of it though, and many times this non-accepting view cause discrimination towards homosexuals. Is homosexuality a way for some people to deviate, or is it just the

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