Wednesday, May 6, 2020

business law conditional acceptance Essay examples

Research essay Forming a contract there must be six essential elements which are acceptance, consideration, intention to be legally binding, capacity of the contract and finally legality of the promises.1To archive an agreement between the offeror and offeree there is a formula whereby offer+ acceptance=agreement.2An offer has to be created firstly. An offer means the indication by one person to another of his willingness to enter a contract with the other person on curtain terms.3An offer can either be written or oral example of an offer are email, letters, verbally offering something and internet. The purpose of this research essay is to see how the Australian contract law about acceptance must be unconditional and final. This essay†¦show more content†¦The court held that there was no binding agreement between both of the parties only they had condition to the agreement where one party doesn’t accept it. In other words the both parties was in a negation stage. The high court of Australia had to make the same decision if any future cases arise with the similar facts.12Besides that, similar problem had surfaced in the case of ‘Souter V Shyamba Pty Ltd.13The court had to decide whether the document on 1 may 2002 was a binding contract or the parties just agreed on the price of the hotel, intending that no binding contract would come into existence until the exchange of a formal contract prepared by their solicitor. The court decided that there was a contract between both of the parties because firstly. There were formalities between both of them. Secondly, there was no reference that the document had terms like â€Å"subject to contract† or â€Å"subject to finance†. Lastly they had advice from their solicitor and they knewShow MoreRelatedThe Case Of Postal Acceptance Rule And Conditional Acceptance2064 Words   |  9 Pagescom Acceptance in Contract Law: The case of Postal Acceptance Rule and Conditional Acceptance. 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