Sunday, December 29, 2019

Macbeth, By William Shakespeare - 1785 Words

William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth is one of the most dark and powerful of all his tragedies. With Macbeth’s downfall due to his ambition and madness, it is a timeless piece. In this play the Weird Sisters, more commonly referred to as the three witches, are the source of the play’s problems. But there is a common debate about them, being whether the witches cause men, namely Macbeth, to commit crimes or do they only present possibilities to them. The witches most definitely cause men to commit crimes through their use of apparitions, prophecies, and their promises to Macbeth of power, thus awakening his own ambitions and evil. Witches in Shakespeare’s time were seen differently from the witches people think of today. They were not only accepted as being real, but they were also thought of the as literally being the devil and incredibly evil. Witches were viewed as real and tangible, not as the laughable and whimsical creatures of today; King James especially believed that witches were incredibly evil. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth to please King James, who was his new the patron of Shakespeare’s acting company and changed their name from the Lord Chamberlain’s Men to the King’s Men. King James thought that witches were obsessed with trying to destroy him. So he had no trouble firmly believing not only in their existence but also in their sinister ploys. He firmly believed in Divine Right and that witches, and other followers of Satan, were trying to ruin the monarchy. EvenShow MoreRelatedMacbeth by William Shakespeare770 Words   |  3 PagesThe play Macbeth is written by William Shakespeare. It is believed to be written between 1603 and 1607 and set in eleventh century Scotland. It is also believed to be first performed in 1606. It is considered to be one of the darkest and most powerful tragedies. Macbeth, set in Scotland, dramatizes the psychological and political effects produced when evil is chosen to fulfill the ambition of power. The Tragedy of Macbeth is Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy and tells the story of Macbeth, a ScottishRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1425 Words   |  6 PagesMacbeth Just Can’t Wait To Be King Everyone has a quality that they do not like about themselves. Some people struggle to be social, others may be too controlling of people. The list goes on and on, but the point is that everybody has a particular quality that they must learn to control or else that particular quality can get out of hand. Of course, one could write a list of characters that have major flaws. There is no better example than William Shakespeare’s character, Macbeth, in The TragedyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1409 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.† On October 17th, I had the pleasure of going to see Macbeth performed at the Shakespeare Tavern. Along with its reputation for being â€Å"cursed,† Macbeth is also known as one of the crown jewels of William Shakespeare’s repertoire. In my opinion, the central concept of this particular retelling of the play was the murkiness of character. Throughout the pla y, the many characters go through fierce temptation and strife, and noneRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1203 Words   |  5 PagesMacbeth is a play based on King James I, it was written by William Shakespeare, however this play isn’t a king and queen fairy tale, but it’s a play about greed and guilt, chaos and murder and three evil witches who use prophecies to influence Macbeth to do bad things, using flattery would instigate his inner ambition to become king, which in the end doesn’t lead to a very happy ending. Shakespeare’s, Macbeth, was written in the early Jacobean period. During those times, women had no power, theyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1243 Words   |  5 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Macbeth†, the author portrays the main character Macbeth as a very tortured and flawed individual whose actions only serve to further unravel him. He is conflicted and power hungry, which drives him to perform evil murders and become a ruthless person. Macbeth’s moral compass is not resilient enough to withstand his wife’s manipulations and he is provoked to act on his malicious thoughts of murder. The author explores the terrible effects that ambition and guilt can haveRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare Essay1487 Words   |  6 Pagesreaction†. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tale which illuminates the consequences of violating the â€Å"Natural order†, the hierarchy of beings in the universe. When Macbeth, a warrior wel l-known for his courage and bravery, murders King Duncan acting on his unchecked ambition to claim the throne, the order was disrupted, the result†¦chaos. Shakespeare uses symbolism to illustrate the atmosphere of the play as the natural order is flung into a state of turmoil. These techniques used by Shakespeare is usedRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1483 Words   |  6 Pagesdifferent references in the play of how a king deals with power and if they use it for better or for their own personal gain. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth’s obsession with his journey to power leads to his failure. This obsession is demonstrated through the prophecies, the murder of his best friend Banquo, and his own demise. Macbeth demonstrates that he is incapable of mastering the power and responsibilities of being a king. This is indicated throughout the play with theRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1045 Words   |  5 PagesBlood appears in only two forms, but many times in Macbeth by William Shakespeare; between the war scene at the beginning of the play and the lifting of Macbeth’s severed being lifted by Macduff at the end. It can be said that Macbeth could have been written in blood that there is such a large amount. What is unique about blood in Macbeth is that the â€Å"imaginary blood† or the guilt that the murderer feels plays more of a role of understand and amplifying the theme of the play, that blood is guiltRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1431 Words   |  6 Pages Macbeth, though originally a valiant and prudent soldier, deteriorates into an unwise king whose rash decisions conclusively end in the atrophy of his title, power, and position. Several facto rs contribute to the downfall of Macbeth, which produce a contagion effect and ultimately end with his demise. He receives help from his â€Å"inner ambitions and external urgings† which result in his downfall (Bernad 49). The â€Å"external urgings† consist of the weird sisters who disclose his prophecies, which enlightenRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare2060 Words   |  9 Pagesthe green one red Macbeth Quote (Act II, Sc. II). Out, out, brief candle! Life s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Macbeth Quote (Act V, Scene V). These quotes have been taken from play Macbeth written by William Shakespeare. Like these quotes there are hundreds and thousands of such heart touching quotes written by Shakespeare in his many different

Friday, December 20, 2019

Kate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour - 1369 Words

The Freedom to Live, and the Freedom to Die By all accounts, this is not a typical story of a battered wife longing for freedom from her vindictive husband. A woman does not need to be have a blatantly cruel or abusive husband to feel trapped, or unhappy. She should not need the presence of violence for these feelings to be validated. Sometimes, it is simply the absence of choice. And, for Louise – the main character in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour† – it takes the untimely demise of her husband for her to realize her subconscious, intrinsic longing: freedom. True freedom and rebirth, symbolized in both setting, and surroundings, is within her grasp. For someone in Louise’s position, in her time period, freedom as we know it today is†¦show more content†¦But she is still hopelessly confined in that opulent cage. There is hope, however. Outside, the spring air stirs. Spring, as we all know, is a sign of rebirth. New life is bursting into existence. And she, along with the s easons, is blossoming into a new life. Moreover, to further emphasize this feeling of rebirth, Kate Chopin subtly mentions the â€Å"delicious breath of rain† (Chopin). Rain. Water. Water that, according to many, is used throughout literature as a symbol of change, and rebirth. And Kate Chopin includes both. They are subtle references, and by avoiding the tired preaching that many authors succumb to, it makes for a far more effective method in illustrating her point. And as Louise’s eyes brighten, so to do her prospects to an extent. This is her window of opportunity, yet for her, the window is simply not wide enough, and it will soon shut its glass panes for good. After all, it is not a downpour. Not even a light sprinkle. Simply a hint. More so a suggestion of what could have been, than anything else. Time does not move on for long enough for the reader to witness this symbol come to fruition. In addition to her masterful symbolism, Kate Chopin conveys to her readers that it is independence, and freedom that makes life worth living through her purposeful, and most assuredly deliberate diction. With a live husband, life for poor Louise is shaping up to be horridly long, but with him dead, â€Å"there would be no one to live for her†¦ she would liveShow MoreRelatedKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour1579 Words   |  7 PagesKate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour written in 1984 is a story of a woman who, through the erroneously reported death of her husband, experienced true freedom. Both tragic and ironic, the story deals with the boundaries imposed on women by society in the nineteenth century. The author Kate Chopin, like the character in her story, had first-hand experience with the male-dominated society of that time and had experienced the death of her husband at a young age. The similarity between Kate Chopin andRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour1336 Words   |  6 Pagessociety as married women. In the story of an hour, the author, Kate Chopin describes the emotions of a woman who is married and tied down to this oath for the rest of her life. The author uses the ways of the society during that time to construct a story that accurately reflects the feelings of majority of women of that time. The goal of the story is to examine how women were indirectly oppressed during those times. The story of an hour is an interesting short story that begin with telling of a heartRead MoreKate Chopin s Story Of The Hour Essay982 Words   |  4 PagesKate Chopin was an American author who wrote two novels that got published and at least a hundred short stories. In Kate’s short story The Story of the Hour she uses some of her traumatic event that happened in her lifespan in the short story even though it the story is fictional. A lot of her fictions were set in Louisiana and her best-known works focused on the lives of sensitive intelligent women. One-third of Mrs. Chopin’s stories are children’s stories. A lot of Mrs. Chopin’s novels were forgottenRead MoreKate Chopin s Story Of An Hour993 Words   |  4 Pagesfiction intermix in stories because writer’s base their stories of real life experiences and feelings. Kate Chopin largely based her stories off of her own life. Kate Chopin spent her childhood years in an alternative and matriarchal Louisiana town with a family that was unconventional. She challenged her nineteenth century sexist society and used her own life to put strength and feminism into her stories like â€Å"The Storm†, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† and of course â€Å"The Story of an Hour†. She lived with herRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour1921 Words   |  8 Pagesapproaches. For Kate Chopin, the famous author of â€Å"The Awakening† and â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, her most successful approach was to provide audiences with short stories that proposed meaningful and strong messages. However, Kate Chopin’s powerful feminist images that were present throughout her writing has mostly flaunted Chopin as only a â€Å"pioneering feminist writer,† which has led to other messages Chopin incorporated in her writing into being overlooked. In Kate Chopin’s, â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, the shortRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour1 248 Words   |  5 PagesTam Le Jennifer R. Vacca ENGL 2307 19 September 2014 The Stressful Marriage React in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of An Hour† Kate Chopin was an American author who majored in short stories mostly in topics related to feminism. Her other works include; â€Å"Bayou Folk† of 1894, â€Å"A Night in Acadia† of 1897, and â€Å"The Storm† of 1898. She created her story entitled â€Å"The Story of an Hour† with the aim of using characterization to show how women behave, and the forces that bind marriages. Her character, LouiseRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour981 Words   |  4 Pagesher bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will—as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been. Kate Chopin â€Å"The Story of an Hour† (477) The purpose of our entire existence is to create and build a legacy so when we depart this life the ones that we leave behind have something to keep with them. We don’t know the time or the place of when our lives will end onRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour1488 Words   |  6 PagesKate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of An Hour† was published in 1894 in Vogue, during a time when women do not have any legal rights. They have low education level and have no opportunity to work; what they can do is stay at home and manage the family. All their lives, they rely on their husband. Women at that time do not think about why they should be treated this way; they were being silenced by society. Kate Chopin uses the character Mrs. Mallard as the representative of all women who wants freedom at thatRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour980 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Story of an Hour,† Mrs. Mallard is a woman trapped in her own golden cage. Throughout the story, the author, Kate Chopin, shows the true colors of matrimony during that time and what it meant in women’s lives. Women were the only possessions attained after marriage, designated to do house labors and take care of a husband and children. â€Å"The Story of an Hour† by Kate Chopin illustrates that marriage is another manifestation of women’s abdication of liberty once they say â€Å"I do†. â€Å"The Story of anRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour973 Words   |  4 Pagesbe kept on the inside. The problem is that the reason behind the happiness is often forgotten to be analyzed. What was happening behind closed doors? What was the marriage representing? Mrs. Mallard is an important example of this in Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour. She just received the news of her husband’s death and is obliged to weep at once. Nevertheless, once she gets away from the pressure of the onlookers, she finds more happiness than sadness in which she cannot fully express outside of

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Financial Planning of Organization

Questions: 1. Explain how you will set the price for your offering. Your pricing should be consistent with your financial objectives and address each of the following steps? 1. pricing goals profit-oriented, sales-oriented or status-quo oriented 2. forecast demand, costs and profits 3. pricing strategy penetration, skimming or status quo. Include an assessment of your price/product quality positioning 4. tactics for fine-tuning the base price. 5. Identify any further information needs to be filled and outline the marketing research (secondary, primary) required to do so. 2. Develop an approximate budget for the time horizon of your plan Covering the following elements? Revenue: Forecast sales volume in units multiplied by the average price Less: Cost of production Less: Cost of distribution Less: Marketing costs (from action plan) Projected profit. Answers: 1. A product which is properly identified and commercially produced suffers with the limits of the pricing the product appropriately. Pricing is an exercise which involves profit planning, finding out various alternatives available and thereby selecting the alternative which matches the best organisation practice. A wrong and incorrect pricing can lead to losses and loss in the market share of the business. Toddler bike is a student friendly, childrens bike. So we need to set its price keeping in mind the category of the customer i.e. the children. Also the pricing should be such which also meet the financial objective of the organisation. The product and its specification should be within the financial capacity of the concern. Now we can divide our discussion on the following points: 1) The Goals of Pricing: The goals and objective of the pricing can be profit oriented or can focus on the sales volume or the pricing can be made status quo oriented. In profit oriented pricing the management feels that the sole aim of the pricing strategy should the profit earning and nothing else. It may lead to profits in the short term but can be harmful in long term as the company can lose its customer due higher profits and higher prices. Secondly if the pricing goal is sales oriented then the volume increase should be the main focus of the pricing strategy. If the company wants to increase the sales volume, then the best way to do it to reduce the price of the product. But at the same time the profit of the company would be low. Lastly, if the company wants to maintain the prices quoted by the competitors then the same price as charged by the competitors shall be followed continuously. In this case there are chances that the company incur loss for a period of time. 2) Forecasting the demand, costs and profit: The three most important element of the pricing for a toddler bike are Cost, demand and the resultant profit to the organisation. The cost of the bike shall be added in such a way that the most accurate price is determined. The cost will include the cost of the parts, the labourer cost, overhead cost and other indirect cost which will be apportioned to the product on a reasonable basis. The demand shall be determined as per the other competitors there in the market. The profit element which is necessary for the growth of the business shall be predetermined such that the organisation is progressing to continue the business. 3) Pricing Strategies: The pricing strategy is dependent on the market it operates, the product introduced and the goal of the organisation. A penetration pricing strategy is one which is suitable for long term profit. It is applicable when a new product is introduced but already existing in market. In this strategy the price is very low at the initial stage in order to capture the market. Thereafter the price is increased which results in makeup of the previous losses. This pricing can be applied when the market is elastic one i.e. the market is reacting positively to any price movement. Skimming pricing is just the opposite of the penetration pricing. This pricing is made for the new product which is not there in the market and the price is high at first to cover the advertising expenses. This pricing is related to mobile phones. This is applicable for an inelastic market. The third pricing policy is the Status Quo pricing which focuses on the charging the prevailing prices. If we assume the market is pure competition then the Status Quo pricing shall be the best pricing strategy. 4) Tactics for fine tuning of the price: This part involves the discounts, other sale services like cash discount coupons etc which can be used to attract the customer. An example can be cash sale will entitle the customer with a 10% discount or a price coupon of a certain amount on next purchase, discounts with seasons etc. 5) Other Information required and the marketing research plan: The type of the market, the population composition and other details regarding the company and its production pattern (large scale or small scale) are other factors required to be determined to conclude about the proper marketing strategy. The primary marketing strategy would be directly related with the product and focussing on the primary market of the product. The secondary marketing strategies consist of determining the other factors which are necessary to increase or maintain the sale of the product. 2. Assuming the plan horizon is 3 months, the following budget can be made on the basis of assumptions notes at each stage. The cost of the production consists of the main parts of the bicycle, the safety parts, labour cost, machine costs, overhead and other costs. The sales related expenses include marketing costs, cost of supplying and distributing the cost to the customers. If we look at the WallMart website the price of a toddler bike 12 Huffy Disney Princess Girls Bike the price quoted is $62.97. The budget plan is for 3 months. Assuming the sales per month is 10000 units. Total Sales for the month is 10000*3= 30000 units. The average price for the 3 months is assumed as $62.00. The cost budget can be given as follows: Sl. No Particulars Details($) Amount($) 1 Revenue (30000 units) 30000*$62 per unit 1862000.00 2 Cost of Production ($30 p.u.) 30000*$30 per unit 900000.00 3 Cost of Distribution ($5 p.u.) 30000*$5 per unit 150000.00 4 Marketing Costs ($15 p.u.) 30000*$15 per unit 450000.00 5 Profit as projected ($7 p.u.) 1-2-3-4 362000.00 Assumptions: The cost of production is the major part of the cost which includes the cost of the parts, safety parts, labour costs, machine costs and other overheads. The cost of distribution is the least as there are many customers who directly take the delivery from our stores. The marketing cost is high since there are many competitors in the market who are also selling the same product at the same price. The profit is projected to be $7 per unit. Note: Since, the actual data is not given in the question; therefore the actual result may vary on the basis of market in which the company operates in, the cost elements of the enterprise, the actual population composition etc. The analysis of the cost and project profit is taken on arbitrary basis. The cost of marketing can be less in some cases and the cost of distribution can be high in cases where the delivery is to be made at the customers place.